viernes, 3 de abril de 2020


Hellos students!!! I home you are doing well and the most important thing #stayathome
This homework corresponds to  the lessons of this week. 
Unfoutunatelly shootings are common in USA achools. Sometimes teachers, heads and classmetes don’t notice when a student is not ok. This video shows us that some people are “invisible “ when we are busy in our lives.
Put the sequence in order
a-      Evan sees a message on the desk.
b-      Evan looks for the possible person on instagram.
c-        A student enters the school with a gun. Everyone runs.
d-      Evan answers the message on the desk.
e-      Evan signs the bok of a girl. They talk about the massages and laugh.
f-       End of the classes. The library is clossed.
Give your personal opinion (in eEnglish or Spanish)
Why does the boy whith the gus attack the school? What are his problem? Is he happy at home?  Is he popular at school? Why?
Are Evan or the girls risponsible of the attack?
Investigate about school shootings in USA and Argentina. What calls your attention? Why? (write your comments and reflexions in English or Spanish. Include the names of the videos or webpages you investigated)
Choose one option
1-      Write 10 sentences giving advice or recommendation to acompany students who suffer.
2-      Record or make a one minute video about this topic.  Upload it to Blended.

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